A nice article about me in the local news, submitted by my school district.
“Rumson School District & KidzSpeed. Racing towards a brighter future”
#STEM #GiftedAndTalented #PursueYourDreams #Karting

Article:  http://themonmouthjournal.com/rumsons-christian-rutty-is-racing-toward-a-brighter-future-p7011-1.htm

Rumson’s Christian Rutty is racing toward a brighter futureRUMSON — (May 5, 2017) – A gifted and talented student,…

Posted by The Monmouth Journal on Friday, May 5, 2017


A nice article about me in the local news, submitted by my school district.
“Rumson School District & KidzSpeed. Racing towards a brighter future”
#STEM #GiftedAndTalented #PursueYourDreams #Karting

Also ran in “The Red Bank Green